Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rush was Right

Obama's policies fail.  There was never any doubt that they would fail . . .and they have failed.  Rush had the courage of his convictions - of the validity of economics and politics as science.  We should all have the courage of his convictions, rather than permit him to be dismissed as "just an entertainer."  Such a dismissal demeans all humanity.

Wages tumble toward 18-year low  (USA Today)

7 Months After Stimulus 49 of 50 States Have Lost Jobs
(from the House Ways & Means Committee - 2,700,000 jobs lost vs Obama's promise of 3,460,000 to be created by the Stimulus = swing of - 6,160,000 jobs)

What will the electorate learn from this?

Watch how the media slowly turn on Obama, motivated by their very own pocket-book nerves.